My 2023 Information Security Resolutions

2 min readJan 2, 2023


Happy New Year everyone!!!

I am writing some of my Information Security resolutions that I plan on doing. :-) I did write some stuff for the last two years, but I think I am planning to be more active when it comes to sharing. I’m going to keep this entry short unlike my previous blogs. You can check my profile to see them.

So here goes!

  • I will write and blog more about Malware Analysis. Sharing knowledge in this industry is caring. Having people to give you feedback is the key.
  • I will join and participate more Capture The Flag events. I like CTFs because it helps me to improve my skills and when you team up with different people, you’ll learn their perspective how they are able to find flags or have their methodologies adopted and vice versa! You both learn plus more friends and connections, right! The most important part. :-) (shout out my CTF teammate! advanced persistent imposter (@AnguaSec) / Twitter)
  • I plan to be more patient with myself when it comes to learning new different things, no matter how slow, as long as there is progress, I am going to consider that as a win.
  • Attend more cybersecurity conferences like the way I did last 2020–2021. I have no idea why I kinda stopped but I will plan on joining more this year and hopefully speak again! :)
  • Make Assembly Language my jam. I said this last year but I failed so I am gonna try one more time.
  • Give Binary Exploitation a try.

That’s all!

I hope you have a wonderful day, reader. Thank you for your time!

As a thank you, here’s a photo of my dog:




Written by Denice

Information Security Analyst & a huge fan of drinking water. Interested in anything related to Malware and Cyber Espionage.

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